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Tom is our Q4 Core Value Champion!

Tom Kurdziel has been named our Core Value champion for Q4! Tom has been with BIG for 7 years where he has been a force on the field team as a Labor Foreman.

Tom has represented our trust core value every day with a commitment to completing the jobs we take on at the highest quality.

Tom's diligence in tackling any challenge, supporting the team in any way possible, and bringing energy to the job site every day earned him this much-deserved recognition from his BIG teammates. 

Reflecting on the recognition, Tom emphasized his work ethic and commitment to quality, stating:

“I value TRUST the most since trust builds the relationships with our clients to complete the jobs at the highest potential... there are no "small" projects to me.

Congrats Tom! Your commitment to client service, dedication and building strong relationships with our project teams has truly shined!

Big Team

BIG Promotions

We’re excited to announce recent internal promotions at BIG!

BIG Construction
June 13, 2018
Big Team

Kaitlyne is our Q3 Core Value Champion!

Kaitlyne Diaz has been recognized as our Q3 core value champion!

BIG Construction
June 13, 2018
Big Team

BIG Welcomes Three New Hires in August

We welcomed three new team members to our field and project management teams this month.

BIG Construction
June 13, 2018

LET’S MAKE it Happen